Now that you have a full understanding of what these fabled Legendaries are and why we're all so interested in them, let's explore them in more detail. Certain Legendary weapons drop from specific bosses or Legendary Hunt challenges, but others have a random chance of dropping from any cache of loot or dead body.Legendary weapons are more crafted than the procedurally generated weapons in the lower rarity tiers, but they still have varying stats based on their prefix and your player level.

If you have the Minimap Legendaries setting enabled in the options (under Gameplay) then Legendary weapons will be highlighted by a star on your minimap, making them even easier to spot.This Red Text is usually a bit of flavour text that can give you an insight into the gun's name, origin, or unique effects. You'll know Legendary weapons from their Gold colour and the Red Text in their description.Legendary weapons in Borderlands 3 are unique and rarely dropped weapons with special traits and attributes that you won't find on any other gun in the game.So I've condensed down the need-to-know basics as much as possible below: Now, I'm not going to assume everyone reading this knows all about Borderlands 3 Legendary weapons already - but at the same time I know most of you just want to get to the lists. Middle-mouse click on the above (extremely useful) cheat sheet to find out more about weapons in general! Borderlands 3 Legendary weapons & best weapons

While every other weapon in Borderlands 3 is procedurally generated and extremely variable, the uber-rare gold Legendary weapons have been carefully crafted to offer a completely new (and often very bizarre) experience with each one.īut how do you get your hands on them, and which of them could be called the best weapons in the Borderlands? Our Borderlands 3 Legendary weapons guide will answer these and any other questions you may have on Legendaries in this chaotic looter-shooter - including the best locations to go Legendary farming! This guide is an offshoot of our main Borderlands 3 weapons guide.

The 138 Borderlands 3 Legendary weapons on offer are, quite literally, spectacular.